HALSCRIB (c) 1987 Hal Mueller page 1 of 2 Congratulations and welcome to a collection of programs we call HALSCRIB, the world's finest PC cribbage programs (at least we'd like to think so). If you like playing cards and Cribbage in particular, you will be entertained for hours. You are about to experience, enjoy, and admire vivid graphics, interesting statistics, and a crafty but fair opponent, "HAL". (Any resemblance to "HAL"'s name and style of play to mine is not coincidental). Watch your game improve by observing the techniques of play that "HAL" uses in expert mode. Compare your scores and statistics to your friends' who have used your copy of HALSCRIB. Construct challenging card holdings and explore HAL's responses depending on the score status. Play pre-determined deals and compare your results to your friends. Obtain the latest full-featured version of HALSCRIB by becoming a registered supporter. If you are not yet a registered supporter of HALSCRIB, simply fill out the following registration form, enclose your contribution, and you will shortly enjoy all these features and more! (A $24 US or $29 Cdn contribution, check or money-order, will be appreciated. Ont. Canada residents add 7%). HALSCRIB (herein after referred to as "the software") is subject to the laws of copyright. HALSCRIB (not copy-protected) may be copied by registered supporters strictly for their own personal use. Anyone has permission to copy and distribute the file, TRY_CRIB.ARC, provided that 1. no fees are charged (non-profit user groups may obtain an exemption to cover cost-based fees by written and signed permission from the author) 2. no files stored in TRY_CRIB.ARC are modified 3. TRY_CRIB.ARC is not distributed as part of or with any other product or service, or as part of a corporate or institutionally-sponsored distribution By accepting or using this software, you agree to the above restrictions and acknowledge that this software may not suit your particular purpose or be completely trouble-free. Precautions have been made in the production of the software and its documentation. The software will perform substantially as described when the instructions in the manual, HALSCRIB.DOC, are followed. If the software does not perform substantially as described, liability is limited to its replacement or a refund of your registered contribution. We exclude liability to you or any other person or entity for special, incidental, or consequential damages or loss resulting from direct or indirect usage of the software. If any part of this agreement is held invalid, the remainder of the agreement will still be in effect. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario. The limitation and exclusion of liability may not apply in some states in the USA or provinces in Canada. This agreement does not affect your statuatory rights in the UK. HALSCRIB (c) 1987 Hal Mueller page 2 of 2 I would like to thank the following people whose contribution has helped make HALSCRIB the fine product that it is: my parents - for obvious reasons my wife Rosemary - for patience, encouragement, testing, and suggestions Frank Gahagan - for teaching me how to play Jim Gehl/Brad Hunwicks/David LLoyd/Mark Rouselle/Garth Smith (students) Dr Clarence King/Gord Lalonde/Joe Sant (faculty of Sheridan College) - for testing and suggestions John Howard - for BBS support (sysop OPUS(Fido) Net/Node 148/164) Brian Wichmann/Dr David Hill (March 1987 Byte) - for an excellent random-number generator Robert Emmons/Tibor Vari - for various ASM88 routines Douglas Anderson(+) author of "All About CRIBBAGE", Winchester Press NY - for standard rules of 5-card and 6-card game you - for your interest in HALSCRIB If you have not yet become a registered supporter of HALSCRIB enclose a contribution, fill out the following form and mail it now to Hal Mueller voice phone 416-689-7657 (weekends only) c/o CLASSIC GAMEWARE P O Box 151 - B Carlisle Ont L0R 1H0 C A N A D A ------------------------ tear here ------------------------------ Name: __________________________________ Phone (___-)___-____ Address: __________________________________ City: ________________________ State/Province: _____________ Country: ________________________ ZIP/Postal Code: _____________ Date: ________________________ signature ____________________ Please indicate on a scale from 1-10 your preference for our next high-quality user-supported product: blackjack (play and odds analysis) ____ bridge (rubber/Chicago/duplicate) ____ gin / hearts ____ poker (5/7-card draw, hold-em) ____ solitaire (various, Russian bank) ____ other? __________________________ ____ Comments ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________